Our Consignors

Mathis Angus

Mathis Family

Meet Jimmy, Gary, and Tim Mathis. Their angus farm is located in Duck River, TN. The Mathis family has been involved with the Bull Test since their operation started in 1976 , way back when this program was an on-farm test. They have 5 bulls consigned this year. Learn more about the Mathis Family.

Bull #130

AF Magic 50G is a stout growth oriented son of Byergo Black Magic 3348. This deep bodied prospect shows tremendous thickness of top and quarter while standing on big sound hooves. His phenotype matches his performance pedigree for growth as he currently ranks in the top 10% for Ribeye Area, 3% for Weaning Weight epd and top 2% for Yearling Weight epd within the Angus breed. Lot #130 housed in pen #9.
Bull #129
MAF Enhance 60G is an October 7, 2019 bull calf that will look impressive in anyone’s pasture. His profile easily matches the quality of his pedigree. Lots of eye appeal and performance represented in Evaluation Lot # 129 housed in Pen #15.

Richview Farm

These two guys were consigned by Neal Richardson, owner, and Taylor Richardson, manager of Richview Farm. Their angus farm is located in Lancing, TN. This farm operation originated in Montgomery County by Neal’s grandfather, Percy Richardson, in 1911. Neal has carried on the tradition since 1970 in Morgan County. This family has been involved with the program since 1996!

Bull #44
Richview Remedy 2649 is a herd sire prospect that excels in structural soundness ranking in the top 1% and 10% respectfully for claw set and hoof angle, classifying him as a herd improver. In addition, this young sire impressively carries tremendous depth of body and muscling throughout. Evaluation Lot #44 housed in pen #1.
Bull #43
Richview Niagra 3609 is a herd sire prospect out of the very productive SS Niagara Z29 exhibiting extreme length and correctness from shoulder through his hip. He is also a very docile bull currently ranking in the top 10% of the breed for Docility. Evaluation Lot #43 housed in pen #1.

Roach Angus

Jerry and Denise Roach

Meet Jerry and Denise Roach. Their angus and commercial angus cross farm is located in Lobelville, TN and has been in operation for 38 years! This is their first time participating in the evaluation program. Pictured with them are their two grandchildren, Abby and Ried.

Bull #78
They have consigned 2 excellent herd sire candidates to this 2020/2021 class of bulls. Pictured is Evaluation #78 in pen #11 – a Mead Magnitude son with impressive muscle and skeletal thickness, matched with structural soundness and docility.
Jerry and Denise also have Evaluation #79 in Pen 13, another Mead Magnitude son out of a KCF Bennett Fortress daughter that carries growth numbers for WW and YW in the top 15% and 10% of the Angus breed.
Roach angus farm

Lynn Angus

Lynn Angus – owned by Bobby Joe Lynn, Joe Lynn, and Terry Compton is located in Kingston Springs, TN. This angus operation has been going since 1967. Lynn Angus has been involved with our program since 1999!

Bull #91
Mr. Lynn and Lynn Angus continues to provide a quality set of Angus bulls that possess the genetic potential to improve performance within most any commercial Cow/Calf operation. An example of this potential is Evaluation # 91 in Pen 3 that impressively ranks in the top 1% of the Angus breed for $W, a value index that represents weaned calf value, an economically impactful trait influencing profit potential. #91’s Stout profile definitely matches his paperwork. Other quality Lynn Angus consignments are Evaluation #’s 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 90.

Lunn Angus

Meet Jeff & Angela Lunn with Lunn Registered Angus. Their farm is located in Burns, TN and has been in operation for 105 years!! They have been involved with the UT Bull Evaluation for 12 years. Visit Lunn Angus on Facebook!

Evaluation #1 located in Pen #1 is a very impressive son of Mead Magnitude, carrying exceptional muscle shape throughout his top and into his quarter. #1 is a promising Multi-Use sire with genetics for low birth weight and high growth, as he ranks in the top 10% of the Angus breed for both Weaning and Yearling EPD’s.
Evaluation #2 also located in Pen #1 sired by Byergo Black Magic 3348 is a very eye appealing herd sire prospect that impressively ranks in the top 1% and 4% of the Angus breed respectively for Weaning and Yearling weight EPD’s. In addition, #2 is a sound structured bull that carries lots of rib shape and skeletal substance.

Diamond M Farms

Brian & Roy McLerran are owners and operators of Diamond M Farms. Their angus operation is located in Moss, TN and has been thriving since 2003! This is Diamond M’s 6th year to participate in the UT Bull Evaluation Program. Visit Diamond M on Facebook!

Diamond M Farms has consigned a very unique and performance touting set of 7, SS Niagara sons that will not only prove successful in increasing pounds of performance but equally as critical produce females with great herd replacement potential. These Niagara sons posses quality EPD’s within all categories: production, maternal, as well as the $ values indexes. It would be well worth the trip just to preview this set of prospects. Evaluation #’s 27, 28 and 34 are in Pen #3, Evaluation #’s 29 and 35 are in Pen # 5, Evaluation #’s 30 and 32 are in Pen # 7.
Additionally, from Diamond M, Brianna Lynn McLerran has provided an outstanding son of Crouthamel Protocol 3022 out of a Deer Valley All In daughter. This bull is an eye catcher due to his outstanding profile showing tremendous depth, length and muscle shape. He is Evaluation #33 in Pen #7.

Harris Bros. Cattle Co.

Keith, Michael, Steve, & Eric Harris are owners and operators of Harris Brothers Cattle Co. Their angus farm is located in Mt. Juliet, TN and have been in operation for 60 years. They have been involved with the UT Bull test for 11 years.

Harris Brothers Cattle Company has consigned a pair ‘Deer Valley Patriot 6151’ sons to be watched! My pick and one of the youngest bulls on evaluation is #106, a 11/17/2019 in Pen 21. This future herd sire excels in low birth and high growth classifying him as a “wide spread” bull that can be utilized in heifer breeding programs and to boost pounds weaned within mature cow herds. Furthermore, #106 impressively ranks in the top 2% of the breed for $ value indexes for Weaned Calf Value and Feedlot Value, while rank in the top 1% for Combined Value $C inclusive of traits across the board (production, maternal; and structural).
Equally as impressive is his older half-brother Evaluation #105. This September 2019 consignment boosts a great set of numbers that are matched with a sound structure, depth of body and heavy muscled phenotype.
Also, consigned are Harris Brothers, Evaluation #103 and #104: a pair of Deer Valley Night Shift sons that will be an asset to any commercial cow/calf operation bringing both growth and muscle.

Kenneth Kelly Angus

Kenneth Kelly is owner and operator of Kenneth Kelly Angus. His farm is located in Waynesboro, TN and has been in operation since 1982! Kenneth has been involved with the Bull Test for a numerous amount of years!

Kenneth has consigned 2 exceptional bulls for the 2020/2021 University of Tennessee Sire Evaluation program. Evaluation #121 is a KK Reserve 760 of 340 son that will bring value to any herd looking for a calving ease bull to utilize in a heifer breeding program. This bull also stands out due to his Top 10% ranking for Ribeye Area EPD and a Docility EPD that is tops for the Angus breed.
Kenneth also consigned lot #120, a Mill Bar Hickok 7242 son that is bred for growth! This bull will sire calves with increased pounds at weaning as evidenced by a Top 10% ranking for Weaning Weight EPD and top 5% of the Angus breed for $Weaned Calf Value. This mid-September calf also boosts an excellent back pedigree featuring sires like Connealy Consensus, SAV Final Answer, MCC Daybreak and GDAR Traveler 71.

Welcome Grove Charolais

Welcome Grove Charolais is owned and operated by Silas Maxwell. Silas is from Mosheim, TN and has been in the charolais business for 45 years! He has been involved with the Bull Test for over 20 years!

Evaluation #64 housed within Pen 23 is an exceptional Charolais herd sire prospect.  This Welcome Grove consignment, a son of  LT Affinity 6221, expresses great balance across all phenotypic traits, carrying above average muscle thickness from front to rear, depth of body and lots of dimension to his rib shape, all while, traveling on a very sound set of feet and legs.  This Charolais is a ideal candidate for a cross breeding program to boost the offspring performance within a British based brood cow herd.  Currently,  #64 ranks in the top 7% of the Charolais breed for Birth Weight and Top 15% in Calving Ease which should provide a high degree of confidence that he will sire calves that are born without assistance.

Cumberland Bottoms Ranch

Roger Taylor is owner and operator of Cumberland Bottoms Ranch. This simmental farm is located in Hartsville, TN and been in operation for 50 years. Roger has been a part of the Bull Test for over 40 years!

Roger has consigned a great group of Simmental and SimAngus herd sire prospects. My pick of these multi-use sires is Evaluation Lot #124 out of Pen #25. This W/C United Way 956Y son currently ranks in the top 2% of the breed for both weaning and yearling growth. Observing this pen of bulls he stands out due to his structural soundness, depth of body, length of side profile, his correctness and heaviness of muscling, and a bull that travels on lots of substance of bone and a big foot. Mr. Taylor’s consignments will be very competitive on sale day due to their quality. Please make note of his other consignments: Lot# 122 and Purebred blaze faced SM, Lot# 125 SimAngus and Lot# 126 SimAngus.


Reed Family Farms

Reed Family Farms is owned and operated by John & Lynda Reed, Daniel Reed, Ty Reed, Brian & Stephanie Rives, Ben and Addie. Their SimAngus operation is located in Shelbyville, TN for over 45 years. This is their second year to be involved in the Bull Test.

The Reed family has again consigned an excellent set of black hided, polled SimAngus herd sire prospects.  A bull that truly stands out when walking through the 100 plus bulls on test is Evaluation Number #42 in Pen #25.  This prospect features a side and rear profile possessing  tremendous natural thickness and expression of muscling.  In addition to his dominant profile, this October 15th calf sired by SVFM Ten X Dreamin currently ranks in the top 15% of the breed for Ribeye Area epd. 
Reed Family’s set of 4 SimAngus consignments stand to be excellent candidates for most any breeding program especially if seeking to establish a crossbreeding strategy that can add yield grade potential and uniformity of color. Stop by to view the Reed Family prospects: #36, #40, #41, #42 all in Pen #25.


Beatys’ Double J Farms

Beatys’ is owned and operated by James, Carol, Jesse, and Sarah Beaty. Their angus farm is located in Lexington, TN and has been operating for the last 74 years. They have been part of the Bull Test for 8 years.

Very excited to report on Beatys’ Double J Farms 4 Angus herd sire prospects. When selecting a future herd sire the first point of interest should be a sound set of feet and legs ensuring longevity of the sire but more importantly, his daughters being the future of your herd. This group of 4 Beatys’ Double J bulls present excellent scores for both claw set and hoof angle while being equally as impressive for these traits within their individual Management EPDs. When evaluating these bulls you will be very impressed with their consistency of type, here is a set of bulls that are moderate framed, wide based, heavy muscled and carry tremendous depth of bodied and rib shape. Please stop by to view, you will not be disappointed: Evaluation # 74-pen5, #75-pen 11, #76-pen 13 and #77-pen15.